Traditional cultural dances form the backbone of the
old society and culture of rural Nepal. In lots of
places and ethnic groups, these forms of traditional
dances are being forgotten as the older generation
passes on and the younger generation moves into a
more modern culture filled with shopping malls,
iphones, computer games and high speed internet. The
art of traditional dances is a skill that we should
try and hang on to preserve our heritage and also to
be used as an attraction for tourism.
NETIF in conjunction with Dhulikhel Mountain Resort
has given training in traditional cultural dance to
various villagers in the Kawa area of Dhulikhel. The
aim of the cultural dance training program is to
provide villagers, especially village youth basic
training in traditional Nepalese folk dances. By
learning the dances, youths can gain a better
understanding of their own culture and also develop
a skill that can help them earn money. A village
that can put on a cultural dance show for visitors
has an added source of income and this is a vital
part of helping impoverished village economies. The
program was initially established by Dhulikhel
Mountain Resort and has since been taken over by
NETIF are strong supporters of cultural and heritage
conservation and by carrying on this cultural dance
training program, NETIF hope to help support local
villagers, youths and also keep the traditions of
ethnic dance alive in Nepal.
The focus of the project was to take village youths
and with the help of a choreographer from Kathmandu,
teach them various dances from the many different
ethnic groups of Nepal and help the villagers to set
up their own small business – ‘The Gauri Shankar
Cultural Dance Group’ who can go on an perform at
hotels, resorts, restaurants and functions around
the Kathmandu Valley. ‘The Gauri Shankar Cultural
Dance Group’ is now it’s very own registered
business in Nepal.
Throughout the process, NETIF has helped with the
training and dancing component, supply and purchase
of instruments and costumes, promotion of the dance
group and the development of a promotional web site
for the ‘The Gauri Shankar Cultural Dance Group’.
By undertaking this project we have taken poor and
underprivileged villagers and helped them to build a
future for themselves, we hope that they will pass
on their experience to future generations and
continue on the tradition that we have began,
insuring a stable financial future that will benefit
the entire community.