Nepal Environment and Tourism Initiative Foundation
(NETIF) is a non profit, Non-Governmental
developmental organization. It aims at contributing
the socially responsible, ecologically friendly and
economically viable tourism management for the
development in Nepal, by developing a model Trekking
trail. It was founded in 2006 by a group of
dedicated environmentalists and tourism
NETIF has been developing Kathmandu Valley Cultural
Trekking Trail (KVCT) since the beginning of 2008.
The trail starts from Sundarijal via Shivapuri
Nagarjun National Park and ends at Panauti. The area
covers Municipalities and 16 VDCs of Kathmandu,
Bhaktpur and Kavre districts. The major areas of
intervention made by NETIF in Kathmandu Valley
Cultural Trekking trails are awareness raising and
local Institutional development, small scale
community infrastructure, local capacity development
,conservation and alternative energy, networking
communication and alliance building, research and
survey. Almost all the activities were directed
towards mitigating the problems such as pollution,
energy conservation, waste management, natural
resource conservation, addressing the needs of
communities as well as tourists. NETIF has been
addressing the issues of responsible tourism in
following way.
Pollution and Waste Management
NETIF has already completed more than 10 awareness
and cleanup campaigns throughout the trails. It has
placed more than 300 waste bins, 8 incinerators and
4 garbage management fund in the trails. Further it
has also trained people and advocated in the waste
management in the trekking trails in various forums.
Energy and Conservation Issues
NETIF partially supported in the instillation of 35
fuel efficient stoves and a wind turbine in the
trail. In addition to it, it has also trained
community in organic farming, and waste management
and planted more than 5000 plants throughout the
trail. In near future it has a plan to introduce
high value crops and establishment of green belts
along the trail.
Community and Social Involvement
There is an active involvement of local community in
the activity implementations. For example Garbage
Management Fund is managed by the local communities
and even they have their partial contribution in it.
In addition to it, local skills and expertise have
been mobilized while constructing the infrastructure
and in the mean time, local employment has been
increasing through the transportation of
construction materials to the trail. The local
people's capacity has been enhanced through the
trainings such as small hotel and lodge management,
mushroom and off seasonal vegetable cultivation,
local guide training, folk dance and live
presentation, corn husk training, basic vegetable
farming etc. Most of the skilled people in the trail
include women and marginalized ethnic groups of the
Natural Resource Conservation
NETIF's activities are also directed towards
conservation of natural resources. For example metal
poles were used in the construction of incinerators
and tourists shelters instead of wooden poles. The
waste wood was reused to make signage and
information boards and are placed along the trail.
More than, 200 conservation of natural resources
awareness boards are placed along the trails. A
simple guideline for tourist has been developed and
placed along the trail. In the future NETIF will
make survey on visitors flow and carrying capacity
of the trail and prepare a guideline for the
operation of green hotels along the trails.
Addressing the needs of local people and the
For NETIF, local communities have always the entry
point for any activities in any geographical area.
Their active participation and backup support from
various stakeholders is necessary for the
sustainability of the trail. Therefore NETIF has
constructed 2 multipurpose community centers
provided small tourism business development
trainings such as vegetable farming, lodge
management etc. to address the needs of local
community. NETIF's activities have also addressed
the needs of the trekkers travelling in the area. It
has constructed 4 tourist shelters, 1 public toilet
and 1 entrance gate. The trekking trail has been
upgraded and marked, brochures, maps and hoarding
boards have been published to address the need of
the tourists.
Health and Awareness
NETIF has been sensitive towards the health and
awareness of visitors and host communities. It has
developed brochures and information boards that
create awareness among the tourists' health and
security in the trekking trails. The brochures
educates tourists what to do, what not to do, what
to carry what to eat, about the drinking in the
trails. Likewise, in future it has a plan to promote
volunteerism and internship program in health sector
in the communities touched by the trekking trail.
NETIF's Procurement Policy
NETIF has been using recyclable office materials.
Its letterhead is made from handmade Nepali paper.
NETIF is in process of developing its procurement
policies, where the purchase goods and services will
be avoided from the firm where there is child labor,
and that use hazardous chemicals that increase risks
on human health and environment.
NETIF will continue to implement its activities in
the year 2010 in the active participation with all
the stakeholders of tourism development of Nepal.
The project activities will be primarily focused on
local capacity development, preservation of cultural
and natural heritage, encouraging tourism
entrepreneurs and corporate houses to practice
responsible tourism, mobilization of school going
children in the trekking trail for environment
awareness, internship program for University
students and further initiation of programs in
tourism, environment and climate change. So it is
worthwhile to say that NETIF's activities are
initiatives towards responsible tourism in Nepal.